Thursday, March 5, 2015

Install Imagick on WAMP Server

Imagick is one type of library for image customization in PHP its use is same as GD library, but provides better results and more functionality.
When you want to work with Imagick functions in localhost than must be installed Imagick library in your WAMP server. Here is a simple way for installing Imagick libraries on a WAMP server.

  1. Download Imagick DLL files according to your system. 
  2. In that folder copy `php_imagick.dll` file, and move it you PHP extension folder like C:\wamp\bin\php\php5.5.12\ext 
  3. The other DLL's  which are starting with CORE_RL_* moved into Apache's binary folder like C:\wamp\bin\apache\apache2.4.9\bin 
  4. Now change php.ini file for add extension in list as below (You can check with phpinfo() for find php.ini file path) `extension=php_imagick.dll`
  5. Restart WAMP server and check Imagick from phpinfo() as below.

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