Saturday, July 15, 2017

Top 10 Highest Paying URL Shortener to Make Money Online

Now a days all persons are busy with own commercial life and looking for some work for earning additional money online with the help of internet. URL Shortener is one of best and easiest method for that because in that not need much knowledge or education with little time.
For that you need to create account on that website with your email and add any link you want to shoot. You can short any URL even if you haven't owned website/blog, but if you have then it's good. Shortener website short your given URL and return you them URL you just share that URL on social sites or own blog/website.
Whenever any user click on your shorten link then there is some advertise, display on the browser and after sometime or any click user will redirect to the original URL and you got a point/money for that user.
Here all websites have own policy and own earning rate according to visitor country.even all site's minimum payout rate are different.All websites also provide referral functionality to earn money and some site provide page script to use in your website/blog for increase money.
There are various URL Shortener website available some are fraud Here below listed Top 10 Best URL Shorteners That Really Pays and these are the Highest Paying URL Shortener.

1. : Earn money on short links. Make short links and earn the biggest money

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $9.20
Minimum Withdrawal : $5
Referral Commission : 20%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payoneer, WebMoney
Alexa Rank (Global) : 5,425
Website :

2. AdFly - The URL shortener service that pays you! Earn money for every visitor to your links

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $17.07
Minimum Withdrawal : $5
Referral Commission : 20%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payoneer, Payza
Alexa Rank (Global) : 124
Website :

3. - Make short links and earn the biggest money

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $4.7
Minimum Withdrawal : $5
Referral Commission : 20%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payza
Alexa Rank (Global) : 338
Website :

4. - Make money when people leave your website

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $6.20
Minimum Withdrawal : $10
Referral Commission : 10%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payza, Payoneer
Alexa Rank (Global) : 10,449
Website :

5. - Earn money sharing shrinked links!

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $5.71
Minimum Withdrawal : $5
Referral Commission : 20%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payza, Bitcoin
Alexa Rank (Global) : 652
Website :

6. - Earn money on short links. Make short links and earn the biggest money

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $12.00
Minimum Withdrawal : $5
Referral Commission : 10%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payza
Alexa Rank (Global) : 5,836
Website :

7. - a modern URL shortener

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $14.00
Minimum Withdrawal : $10
Referral Commission : 10%
Payment Methods : PayPal
Alexa Rank (Global) : 1,845
Website :

8. Link.TL - url shortener and earn money!

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $16.00
Minimum Withdrawal : $5
Referral Commission : 20%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payza
Alexa Rank (Global) : 4,884
Website :

9. - Shorten your links and make money!

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $8.11
Minimum Withdrawal : $5
Referral Commission : 10%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payza, Webmoney, Payoneer
Alexa Rank (Global) : 16,266
Website :

10. Ally - Earn money by sharing short links

Payout for 1000 Views : Upto $6.83
Minimum Withdrawal : $1
Referral Commission : 20%
Payment Methods : PayPal, Payza, Payoneer, Skrill
Alexa Rank (Global) : 154,251
Website :

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Magento : add breadcrumbs to cms pages

Magento is an eCommerce application and it supports CMS features with few limitations. Magento displays, bread crumbs, which helps the user to know where they are and it displays the navigation path. Usually, the breadcrumb will be located below the header. But in Magento breadcrumb is available only in the catalog pages an not in the CMS pages or in the checkout pages.

Magento 2.X

  • On the Admin panel, Select Settings -> Stores -> Configuration.
  • In the panel on the left under General, select Web
  • Open the Default Pages section.
  • Change Show Breadcrumbs for CMS Pages to 'Yes'
  • When complete, click Save Config

Magento 1.X

`breadcrump.phtml` in `app/design/default/THEME/page` folder is responsible for displaying the breadcrumb. Add the following code to the breadcrumb.phtml file before the normal breadcrumb check to display the breadcrumb in the CMS, shopping cart and checkout pages.

if ((!$crumbs || !is_array($crumbs)) && $this->getUrl('') != $this->getUrl('*/*/*', array('_current'=>true, '_use_rewrite'=>true))) {
	$breadcrumb = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('breadcrumbs');
	$breadcrumb->addCrumb('home', array('label' => Mage::helper('cms')->__('Home'), 'title' => Mage::helper('cms')->__('Home Page'), 'link' => Mage::getBaseUrl()));
	$breadcrumb->addCrumb('my_account activetrail', array('label' => $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')->getTitle(), 'title' => $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')->getTitle(), 'last' => 1));
	$crumbs = $breadcrumb->_crumbs;
The above code restricts the breadcrumb to be displayed from the home page, if you want that to be shown also in the home page, then remove the following condition from the first line of the above code.

$this->getUrl('') != $this->getUrl('*/*/*', array('_current'=>true, '_use_rewrite'=>true))

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Login With Username/ Mobile in Magento 1.x

Magento provides login functionality for login to account with email and password but sometimes you want to login with customer username/mobileno with account password than here below describe how you implement this functionality in Magento 1. x modify some changes.

Here first add new customer attribute as mobile/username according to your requirement by create sql file in any extension or run installer command as below.

$installer = $this;
$setup = Mage::getModel('customer/entity_setup', 'core_setup');
$setup->addAttribute('customer', 'mobile', array(
    'type' => 'varchar',
    'input' => 'text',
    'label' => 'Mobile No',
    'global' => 1,
    'visible' => 1,
    'required' => 0,
    'user_defined' => 1,
    'default' => '0',
    'visible_on_front' => 1,

After execute below code in your mysql file or directly from any Magento page.Mobile No field display on website admin panel see add or edit any customer there is display mobile No field. Now you must set login with mobile no in magento front for that changes in `loginPostAction` function located in 'app/code/core/Mage/Customer/controllers/AccountController.php' as below.

public function loginPostAction()
    $loginpost = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
    $mobileno = $loginpost['login']['username'];
    if (filter_var($mobileno, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) //check username as email or mobile.
     parent::loginPostAction(); //excute current code
     $session = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session');
        $collection = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getCollection();
        $website_id = Mage::app()->getWebsite()->getId();
        $collection->addAttributeToFilter('mobile', array('eq' =>$mobileno));
        $custData = $collection->getData();
        $email = trim($custData[0]['email']);
        $customerId = (int) trim($custData[0]['entity_id']);
         $authenticateuser = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->setWebsiteId($website_id)->authenticate($email, $username['login']['password']);
       }catch( Exception $e ){
            $session->addError('Invalid Login Detail');
         if($authenticateuser && $customerId){
             $customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->load($customerId);
                $message = $this->__('You are now logged in as %s', $customer->getName());
             throw new Exception ($this->__('The login attempt was unsuccessful. Some parameter is missing Or wrong data '));
      catch (Exception $e){$session->addError($e->getMessage());}
Before make changes in below file you must remove email validation from your theme login. phtml file because default Magento provides only login with email so you must remove login textbox validation by removing validate-email` class of the textbox.
Here customer login using mobileno/username. You can set customer attribute as unique for preventing duplication. You can also check below logic before saving any customer as below.

$customer = Mage::getModel('customer/customer')->getCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('mobileno')->addAttributeToFilter('mobileno',{Val})->load();
if (is_object($customer)){
 //Customer already exits with same mobileno

Magento 2 : List of all console command (CLI)

Magento 2 is new version of Magento with new structure, design and some functionality improve and include for creating a fully customized store. for any developer who works on Magento 2 than much familiar with Magento command line arguments. For use Magento CLI in any operating system need some system requirements for Magento check all configuration Here.
Magento has one command-line interface that performs both installation and configuration tasks. So you can install Magento using command line. Here below table summarizes the available commands in Magento 2. from that some are most used when you develop websites in Magento 2.
Every command run in bin directory of your Magento installation. so first navigate to that directory than use below commands.
When you run want to run command from Magento root directory than write command as `php bin/magento COMMAND`. You can also create own command to run in CLI.

Command Use
magento admin:user:create [--<parameter_name>=<value>, ...] Create a new administrator or to edit an existing administrator
magento admin:user:unlock [admin_user_name] Unlock the account of an administrator that was locked
magento app:config:dump Create dump of application
magento cache:status To view the status of the cache
magento cache:enable [type] Omitting [type] enables or disables all cache types at the same time
magento cache:disable [type] This command disable all([type]) types
mmagento cache:clean [type] Deletes all items from enabled Magento cache types only
mmagento cache:flush [type] Flushing a cache type purges the cache storage
magento cron:run [--group="<cron group name>"] To set up(run) custom cron jobs and groups
magento customer:hash:upgrade Upgrade customer hash according to latest algorithm.It helps to increase customer Password security
magento deploy:mode:show Displays current application mode
magento deploy:mode:set {mode} Change application mode either developer or production
magento dev:source-theme:display Collects and publishes source files for theme
magento dev:tests:run Runs test(all, unit, integration, integration-all, static, static-all, integrity, legacy, default)
magento dev:urn-catalog:generate <path> Generates the catalog of URNs to *.xsd for IDE to highlight XML(Currently, only PHPStorm is supported)
magento dev:xml:convert [-o|--overwrite] {xml file} {xslt stylesheet} Update your layout XML files if you update the corresponding Extensible Style sheet Language Transformations (XSLT) style sheet.
magento i18n:collect-phrases [-o|--output="<csv file path and name>"] [-m|--magento] <path to directory to translate> Run the translation collection command to extract translatable words and phrases from enabled components
magento i18n:pack [-m|--mode={merge|replace}] [-d|--allow-duplicates] <ource> <locale> Save language package
magento i18n:uninstall [-b|--backup-code] {language package name} ... {language package name} Uninstall language package
magento indexer:info View the list of indexers
magento indexer:status [indexer] View the status of all or selected indexers
magento indexer:reindex [indexer] Re-index all or selected indexers one time only
magento indexer:show-mode [indexer] To view the current/all indexer configuration
magento indexer:set-mode {realtime|schedule} [indexer] To specify the indexer configuration
magento indexer:reset [indexer] To reset current/all indexer
magento info:adminuri Displays Magento admin URI
magento info:backups:list Prints all lists of backup files
magento info:currency:list Displays list of available currencies
magento info:dependencies:show-modules [-d|--directory=" "] [-o|--output="<path and filename>" Show number of dependencies between module
magento info:dependencies:show-modules-circular [-d|--directory=" "] [-o|--output="<path and filename>" Show number of circular dependencies between module
magento info:dependencies:show-framework [-d|--directory=" "] [-o|--output="<path and filename>" Show number of dependencies on Magento framework
magento info:language:list Displays list of available languages
magento info:timezone:list Displays list of available time zones
magento maintenance:allow-ips <ip address> .. <ip address> [--none] Maintain the list of exempt IP addresses
magento maintenance:enable [--ip=<ip address> ... --ip=<ip address>] | [ip=none] Enable maintenance mode
magento maintenance:disable [--ip=<ip address> ... --ip=<ip address>] | [ip=none] Disable maintenance mode
magento maintenance:status Displays maintenance mode status
magento module:enable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all] <module-list> Enable specified/all available modules
magento module:disable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all] <module-list> Disable specified/all available modules
magento module:status Displays status of all available modules
magento module:uninstall [--backup-code] [--backup-media] [--backup-db] [-r|--remove-data] [-c|--clear-static-content] \ {ModuleName} ... {ModuleName} Uninstall module\modules {ModuleName} define as <VendorName>_<ModuleName>
sample data
magento sampledata:deploy Deploy sample data module
magento sampledata:remove Remove all sample data packages from composer.json
magento sampledata:reset Reset all sample data modules for re-installation
magento setup:backup [--code] [--media] [--db] Takes backup of Magento application code base, media and database
magento setup:config:set [--<parameter>=<value>, ...] To update the deployment configuration without affecting anything else
magento cron:run [--group="<cron group name>"] Runs all/specifies cron job schedule for setup application
magento setup:db-schema:upgrade Install and upgrade schema in DB
magento setup:db-data:upgrade Install and upgrade data in DB
magento setup:db:status Check if DB data or schema requires upgrade
magento setup:install --<option>=<value> ... --<option><value> Install the Magento application database schema and data with configuration
magento setup:upgrade [--keep-generated] Upgrade the Magento application database schema and data
magento setup:uninstall Uninstalling the Magento software drops and restores the database, removes the deployment configuration, and clears directories
magento setup:di:compile Compile code to generated code and dependency injection configuration
magento setup:rollback [-c|--code-file="<name>"] [-m|--media-file="<name>"] [-d|--db-file="<name>"] Rollback of Magento application code base, media and database according to backup
magento setup:perf:generate-fixtures {path to profile} Generate data for performance testing
magento setup:store-config:set [--<parameter_name>=<value>, ...] Install & configure the store with basic parameters
magento setup:static-content:deploy [<list of languages>] [-t|--theme[="<theme>"]] [--exclude-theme[="<theme>"]] [-l|--language[="<language>"]] [--exclude-language[="<language>"]] [-a|--area[="<area>"]] [--exclude-area[="<area>"]] [-j|--jobs[=">number>"]] [--no-javascript] [--no-css] [--no-less] [--no-images] [--no-fonts] [--no-html] [--no-misc] [--no-html-minify] [-d|--dry-run] Run the static view files deployment
magento theme:uninstall [--backup-code] [-c|--clear-static-content] {theme path} Uninstall themes Composer packages