Sunday, January 4, 2015

Make Window 7 Genuine

Window 7 provide licence version for use as window 7 home or ultimate.
If you install window version any 32-bit or 64-bit OS and dispay error like your system is not genuine make it genuine and that display screen for enter product key than use below process for make it genuine and remove that error from your system.

  1. Click on start menu.
  2. In search bar type CMD.
  3. than display CMD on top right click on it.
  4. Than open run as administrator.
  5. Now in command promote enter SLMGR -REARM.
  6. Press enter and wait for some times.
  7. Pop up window display for command run successfully.
  8. Now restarting system.
Check now window genuine error remove from your system.

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