Saturday, January 3, 2015

Add New Font In Font Awesome Icon

For HTML all are known about Font Awesome Icon
It is use for create font icon  in HTML5 it convert icon image to font in CSS and display as ICON in browser.
for more information about Font Awesome Icon and download click here

But when using these fonts there are some code icon provide by them so  everyone fetch problem about add new fonts in font awesome.

So for that its easy way for add new fonts like as as awesome fonts than below steps for describe that.
  1. Goto IconMoon website
  2. In that many icon listings in icon map app
  3. Select any icon from them also upload new icon as SVG file if not found from list
  4. Then click on generate font.
  5. Select grid size as size of font you want to create.
  6. Here in this site provide you use this font by click on enable click Use.
  7. Here display css that use only for 24 hours (for premium member member provide permanent css)
  8. Get use of that code put in your website
  9. Now for CSS open that CSS in your browser and copy all fonts display in CSS and put in folder
  10. Now you can you that CSS as permanent by given path of your folder where you past that fonts.
Now fonts display in your website.

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