Command |
Use |
magento admin:user:create [--<parameter_name>=<value>, ...] |
Create a new administrator or to edit an existing administrator |
magento admin:user:unlock [admin_user_name] |
Unlock the account of an administrator that was locked |
magento app:config:dump |
Create dump of application |
magento cache:status |
To view the status of the cache |
magento cache:enable [type] |
Omitting [type] enables or disables all cache types at the same time |
magento cache:disable [type] |
This command disable all([type]) types |
mmagento cache:clean [type] |
Deletes all items from enabled Magento cache types only |
mmagento cache:flush [type] |
Flushing a cache type purges the cache storage |
magento cron:run [--group="<cron group name>"] |
To set up(run) custom cron jobs and groups |
magento customer:hash:upgrade |
Upgrade customer hash according to latest algorithm.It helps to increase customer Password security |
magento deploy:mode:show |
Displays current application mode |
magento deploy:mode:set {mode} |
Change application mode either developer or production |
magento dev:source-theme:display |
Collects and publishes source files for theme |
magento dev:tests:run |
Runs test(all, unit, integration, integration-all, static, static-all, integrity, legacy, default) |
magento dev:urn-catalog:generate <path> |
Generates the catalog of URNs to *.xsd for IDE to highlight XML(Currently, only PHPStorm is supported) |
magento dev:xml:convert [-o|--overwrite] {xml file} {xslt stylesheet} |
Update your layout XML files if you update the corresponding Extensible Style sheet Language Transformations (XSLT) style sheet. |
magento i18n:collect-phrases [-o|--output="<csv file path and name>"] [-m|--magento] <path to directory to translate> |
Run the translation collection command to extract translatable words and phrases from enabled components |
magento i18n:pack [-m|--mode={merge|replace}] [-d|--allow-duplicates] <ource> <locale> |
Save language package |
magento i18n:uninstall [-b|--backup-code] {language package name} ... {language package name} |
Uninstall language package |
magento indexer:info |
View the list of indexers |
magento indexer:status [indexer] |
View the status of all or selected indexers |
magento indexer:reindex [indexer] |
Re-index all or selected indexers one time only |
magento indexer:show-mode [indexer] |
To view the current/all indexer configuration |
magento indexer:set-mode {realtime|schedule} [indexer] |
To specify the indexer configuration |
magento indexer:reset [indexer] |
To reset current/all indexer |
magento info:adminuri |
Displays Magento admin URI |
magento info:backups:list |
Prints all lists of backup files |
magento info:currency:list |
Displays list of available currencies |
magento info:dependencies:show-modules [-d|--directory="
"] [-o|--output="<path and filename>" |
Show number of dependencies between module |
magento info:dependencies:show-modules-circular [-d|--directory="
"] [-o|--output="<path and filename>" |
Show number of circular dependencies between module |
magento info:dependencies:show-framework [-d|--directory="
"] [-o|--output="<path and filename>" |
Show number of dependencies on Magento framework |
magento info:language:list |
Displays list of available languages |
magento info:timezone:list |
Displays list of available time zones |
magento maintenance:allow-ips <ip address> .. <ip address> [--none] |
Maintain the list of exempt IP addresses |
magento maintenance:enable [--ip=<ip address> ... --ip=<ip address>] | [ip=none] |
Enable maintenance mode |
magento maintenance:disable [--ip=<ip address> ... --ip=<ip address>] | [ip=none] |
Disable maintenance mode |
magento maintenance:status |
Displays maintenance mode status |
magento module:enable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all] <module-list> |
Enable specified/all available modules |
magento module:disable [-c|--clear-static-content] [-f|--force] [--all] <module-list> |
Disable specified/all available modules |
magento module:status |
Displays status of all available modules |
magento module:uninstall [--backup-code] [--backup-media] [--backup-db] [-r|--remove-data] [-c|--clear-static-content] \ {ModuleName} ... {ModuleName} |
Uninstall module\modules {ModuleName} define as <VendorName>_<ModuleName> |
sample data
magento sampledata:deploy |
Deploy sample data module |
magento sampledata:remove |
Remove all sample data packages from composer.json |
magento sampledata:reset |
Reset all sample data modules for re-installation |
magento setup:backup [--code] [--media] [--db] |
Takes backup of Magento application code base, media and database |
magento setup:config:set [--<parameter>=<value>, ...] |
To update the deployment configuration without affecting anything else |
magento cron:run [--group="<cron group name>"] |
Runs all/specifies cron job schedule for setup application |
magento setup:db-schema:upgrade |
Install and upgrade schema in DB |
magento setup:db-data:upgrade |
Install and upgrade data in DB |
magento setup:db:status |
Check if DB data or schema requires upgrade |
magento setup:install --<option>=<value> ... --<option><value> |
Install the Magento application database schema and data with configuration |
magento setup:upgrade [--keep-generated] |
Upgrade the Magento application database schema and data |
magento setup:uninstall |
Uninstalling the Magento software drops and restores the database, removes the deployment configuration, and clears directories |
magento setup:di:compile |
Compile code to generated code and dependency injection configuration |
magento setup:rollback [-c|--code-file="<name>"] [-m|--media-file="<name>"] [-d|--db-file="<name>"] |
Rollback of Magento application code base, media and database according to backup |
magento setup:perf:generate-fixtures {path to profile} |
Generate data for performance testing |
magento setup:store-config:set [--<parameter_name>=<value>, ...] |
Install & configure the store with basic parameters |
magento setup:static-content:deploy [<list of languages>] [-t|--theme[="<theme>"]] [--exclude-theme[="<theme>"]] [-l|--language[="<language>"]] [--exclude-language[="<language>"]] [-a|--area[="<area>"]] [--exclude-area[="<area>"]] [-j|--jobs[=">number>"]] [--no-javascript] [--no-css] [--no-less] [--no-images] [--no-fonts] [--no-html] [--no-misc] [--no-html-minify] [-d|--dry-run] |
Run the static view files deployment |
magento theme:uninstall [--backup-code] [-c|--clear-static-content] {theme path} |
Uninstall themes Composer packages |