Now a days PDF is most useful and free available format which is most read in Adobe reader software.PDF file is use to read any document or information without any changes. There are many free books available in PDF format for download but main problem is when you download that than some extra advertize pages or publisher pages also available which is not useful to you or sometimes you need only one or two pages from book than it's hard to split that PDF file without software.
Here you can split PDF file using Google Chrome without using any extra software. Just simple steps follow as described below.
Here you can split PDF file using Google Chrome without using any extra software. Just simple steps follow as described below.
- First Download latest Chrome version if not installed in your system
- Now open any PDF file in Chrome by Right Click > Open with > Google Chrome (If not available Google Chrome option update latest version of chrome)
- You can read PDF file in chrome than click on Print from the menu or press Ctrl+P
- There is a print window display in chrome now click on change button in destination
- Now select Save as PDF option in local documents
- Here below display Page option as Pages.fills pages number range or single page (like 2-5 or 4).
- Now click on Save button for save that PDF file after saving popup confirm.