Saturday, May 30, 2015

Apple becomes world's most valuable brand

According to research firm Millward Brown, In 2015 Apple has become the most valuable brand in the world. Apple beats Google, which is top of this list at 2014.Apple launched new I phone 6 smartphones and it's smartwatch helps company to easily overtake other and becomes the worlds most powerful brand.
Millward Brown is world's largest market research organization company that survey brands, media and communications over the world.It is part of UK based 'Kantar Group' which founded 1973 in Britain.
Apple has been named as top of the annual global brand power list with a 67% increase in estimated value $247 billion. In this list Facebook has most increased growth (99%) brand from $35.7 billion to $71 billion, with 12th position. In this list Google and Microsoft also listed by second and third rank. Apple listed on first four times of last five years.

Here list of top 10 Brands

Apple $246 Billion 67% 2
Google $173.6 Billion 9% 1
Microsoft $115 Billion 28% 4
IBM $93.9 Billion -13% 3
Visa $91.9 Billion 16% 7
AT&T $89.4 Billion 15% 8
Verizon $86 Billion 36% 11
Coca Cola $83.8 Billion 4% 6
McDonald’s $81 Billion -5% 5
Marlboro $80 Billion 19% 9

See Complete listing of all top 100 brands and growth report from Millward Brown.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Alibaba stake in Micromax for 1.2 billion dollars

Alibaba is a Chinese e-commerce company that provides services for C2C(customer to customer) and B2C(business to customer) around the world via it's famous website
Micromax is India's electronic company that supply electronics products to customer and india's second smartphone production company.Alibaba has been negotiating to holding 20 per cent stake in Alibaba invest $1.2 billion dollars to partnership with Micromax.
According to industrial research company '(IDC)International Data Corporation' India is the world's third largest smartphone market and according to study India will becomes first till its nice for new company invest in smart phone and such type of electronic items.Micromax is leading company in India for selling smart phone and also now ready for lunch new electronics items like laptop and it's good for Micromax to got money for new production.Japanese company 'SoftBank Corporation' is largest shareholder in Alibaba and due to disagreements occurred between SoftBank and Alibaba it start discussion to Micromax

Custom integration of Google Translate in website

If you are developer or site owner and want to create multi language website using google translate than must add google translate toolbar easily from your google account Website Translator.Google provide you source code for your website just copy and past it to your website according to your setting that you set while create translate toolbar from Google Account.See complete steps.
When you want to add google translate with custom option like as check box,radio button,drop down or listing event for change language than need to old translate code as below.
Add translate script at head of website
<script src="//" type="text/javascript">
Set new translate element for define translate languages.
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
      new google.translate.TranslateElement({ includedLanguages: 'en,ar,hi,fr', layout: google.translate.TranslateElement.InlineLayout.SIMPLE}, 'google_translate_element');

Here in  'includedLanguages' set all languages code that you want to translate here include only 4 languages.
Create list for change language with onclick event.

<li><a onclick="return ChnageLang('ar')" title="ar">العربية -  Arabic</a></li>
<li><a onclick="return ChnageLang('')" title="ar">English  -  English</a></li>
<li><a onclick="return ChnageLang('fr')" title="ar">Français  -  French</a></li>
<li><a onclick="return ChnageLang('hi')" title="ar">हिंदी  -  Hindi</a></li> 
Here create new 'ChnageLang' event when click on below list for change language.
      function ChnageLang(value){
      function createCookie(name, value, days, domain) {
         var date = new Date();
         date.setTime(date.getTime() + (days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
         var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
         document.cookie = name + "=" + value + expires + "; domain=" + domain + "; path=/"';

Know Age from image online

When you saw any person's photo than must you must guess age of that person from image if image is actual image.Such like that Microsoft create new website for find person age from image.
From just upload image and than after scan face and return age from image quickly.
This site is not provide complete results for all images but sometimes it's return exact age of person depends on image quality,face position and other for recognize face from image.
There are many other website provide this functionality but in that sites only accept face image with good resolution and size.
In this website you can upload any image with full body or some dull or cropped image it scan and give results by pass API(application programming interface) from upload image.If you upload group image than also show result for each persons age from group.
This is not for find actual age of person it's like fun for guessing age from image.Sometimes it's return fact result or sometimes wrong as long age difference.